Everything You Need To Know About Starting A Movie Review Blog

If you love nothing more than chilling on the sofa with a good film, launching a movie review blog could be a wise move. It is possible to make thousands of dollars each and every year if you can point enough traffic in your direction. We will go through the process with you in this post in the hope of making your life a little easier. There are also many other benefits to creating a website of that nature. If it becomes very popular, film promotion companies might get in touch with you to see if you would like to attend premiers, etc. That could mean you find yourself rubbing shoulders with some of the most popular actors of our generation. However, you’ll have to work hard to reach that stage. Continue reading

4 Simple Ways Of Using Your Computer To Earn A Living

If you’re not suited to working traditional jobs, you’ve come to the right place. Getting up at 7am every morning and spending an hour or so commuting to work isn’t for everyone. Using the bulk of your day to make money for other people can be rather disheartening. For that reason, you need to start looking at the possibility of making money online. There are thousands of different ways you can achieve that goal; you just need to select the one that works best for you. Presuming you’ve never thought about doing that before, the suggestions below might be useful. They have all been proven to work time and time again. All you have to do is make the decision to get on board. In most instances, you can reduce the time you spend working a lot by moving towards the internet. Continue reading

My Heroes


A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

Heroes is a term and title thrown around quite loosely nowadays but trust me when I tell you that it is something I don’t take lightly.

Technology has come on leaps and bounds in the past few decades and now more than ever are we surrounded by incredible talents who have changed the world.

Take a look at some of our heroes, some of them you’ll know, some of them you may have never heard of but I urge you to take the time to read up on them, learn about their contributions to technology and appreciate how they have changed the world.

Lee Kun-hee

The chairman of Samsung, Lee is the son of Samsung founder Lee Byung-chull, who passed away in 1987.

Samsung was initially launched as a budget company selling everything from clothing to food and of course electronics. However, after Lee’s takeover as chairman, the group stepped up its game and transformed into one of the biggest players in the technology world.

Lee famously said, “Change everything except your wife and children”, and he did just that, revolutionising the company through innovation and forward thinking in mobile phones, TV’s, sound systems and so much more.

Samsung now sits as one of the largest and most successful brands in Asia and the rest of the world.


Steve Jobs

This wouldn’t be any kind of heroes list without Steve Jobs the brains behind Apple, the largest company in the world.

After a humiliating firing from the company, Jobs went on to founder two other companies before being asked back to Apple. Upon his return, he developed iProducts which went on to become best sellers and transform the company into the most recognised companies in the world and a legend who will live on forever.

Steve Jobs

Mark Zuckerberg

Everyone has heard of Facebook which means everyone has heard of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the world’s largest social media.

If you haven’t seen the film ‘The Social Network’ I implore you to do so immediately as it gives an interesting insight into a young Zuckerberg and his journey to founding Facebook.

Mark has changed the way we communicate and connect for the better, bringing together worlds and making those who were unreachable, reachable. Whether you’re an avid Facebook user or not, you cannot deny that Mark has changed the world.

Mark Zuckerberg

Richard Branson

The founder of the Virgin brand, Richard Branson is one of the UK’s most successful businessmen.

From music to planes and trains, Virgin has revolutionised all areas of technology and transport and there is no end to what Virgin can do.

Branson was recently knighted for his contributions to entrepreneurship and it’s no surprise way, having started his own business at the age of 16. Virgin has changed the way the world works and for this, Richard Branson will forever be our hero.

Richard Branson